Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankful Journal - Days 1 - 7

I am going to copy many of the posts I have already had on FB, so bear with me if you have already read them there.

Day One: I am thankful for a warm home that is relatively quiet and peaceful. I am thankful my husband only closes a few nights a week, and is home and willing to help at dinner time when things get chaotic. I am thankful for friends that let me spend the whole day with them despite the fact that they had other plans (like a shower) ;-).
Day Two: I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine that warms my home. I am thankful for music for Fallon and I to dance to. I am thankful for friends who drop by to visit and bring lunch, Dana Deaton. I am thankful for awesome grandparents, Richard Overgard and Janet Gnos Overgard, who spend time with my children and I and treat us to dinner so I don't have to cook!
 Day Three: I am thankful for the extra sleep I get when my husband, Shaun Ryan is off and takes the kids to school. I am thankful for God's provision, especially when it is a complete surprise! I am thankful for the ability to visit with friends.
 Day Four: I am thankful that I am able to hold a six week old infant because she won't sleep otherwise. I am thankful the shower can wait, and that I have people who love me enough not to mention that I missed said shower :-) I am thankful for the beautiful fall colors God put on the trees, as they make even a gray day beautiful. I am thankful for Girl's Night Out, and the anticipation building up to them, especially those that I leave feeling built up and encouraged. Thank you Joy Mills Haynes for hosting tonight's Holidays Honoring Him! Now to go pick up that six week old who isn't sleeping.......
 Day Five: I am thankful for hot tea, cold and cough medicine and warm blankets. I am thankful for two wonderful boys who are willing to vacuum and clean up when I ask them to, and I am thankful for a husband who LIKES to do the dishes!
Day Six: I am thankful for the freedom to choose where I worship God, whether it is at a wonderful church or at home with praise music when I have all four kids by myself, one of them being a non stop nursing baby who wouldn't allow me to be in a service anyway. I am thankful for a home with lots of windows to let the sunshine and warmth flood our home. I am thankful for warm dinners with the whole family, and freshly bathed children in pajamas saying prayers and snuggling before bed.
Day Seven: I am thankful that the boys have a school to go to where I feel they are safe and loved. They are able to learn, interact with friends and enjoy their teachers in an environment that nurtures them and encourages their love for Jesus. Thank you Rejoice! Academy and Performing Arts Center for allowing our family to be a part of your educational family!

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